Maternity & Women's health
‘Promoting health, hygiene and dignity’

Pregnant women coming to hospital to give birth are asked to bring among other things soap, string, and a razor. Most cannot afford these items so NRO provides packs containing the various things required and with the addition of items such as sanitary towels and maternity knickers.
Maternity knickers are virtually unheard of to the women of Uganda and certainly every woman we gave them to had never seen a pair before. The women found them very funny until shown what they were and how to use them !!
Most women still use rags post delivery, which pose huge hygiene and infection risks, particularly if the woman has needed suturing post delivery since they often do not have access to adequate facilities to wash the rags.
By giving new mothers sanitary towels and maternity pants, we are helping to reduce the risks of infection post delivery and are increasing a woman’s comfort.