Action & Support


Fundraising is also a great way of raising awareness concerning the activities of and finance for the “Nurses Reaching Out”. If you are interested in raising money or would like more information, then please email us.

If you would like to support us in our work in general then you can make regular or one off donations using the bank details below. If you are a UK taxpayer and would like to gift aid your donation please email us for a form.

You may like to make regular donations to our work by setting up a direct debit. You can set this up for one of our projects or for our general work. Please contact us and we will gladly give you a form to complete.

The bank details are:

Barclays bank: Wolverhampton branch
Account name: Nurses Reaching Out
Sort code: 20.97.78
Account no: 40494038


If you would like to hear more about NRO’s news and activities then please enter your details below

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Donating supplies & equipment

We are seeking donations of hospital equipment such as, thermometers, glucometers and dinamaps (continuous blood pressure monitors) amongst other equipment.

Donations of reading glasses make a huge impact to a person’s life. Reading glasses even when really needed are seen as an unaffordable luxury. Children’s education can suffer all because they need a pair of glasses. If you are able to donate equipment, we would love to hear from you, please contact us.

Donate to us


You may wish to become a ‘Friend’ or a ‘Member’ of Nurses Reaching Out

To become a Friend of NRO we ask that you give a minimum of £10 per year or that you organise a fundraising event specifically for one of our projects or for the general work of NRO. As a ‘friend’ we will give you a badge and send you our newsletters. If you are interested in becoming a friend, please get in touch with us and we will send you details.

Members of NRO are individuals who have a particular skill or professional interest that may further the work of NRO. You do not need to be a nurse or a midwife to help us, as we are also looking for a variety of skilled people and professional advice such as, builders, plumbers, lecturers, hospital managers and bid writing specialists. You may be in employment or retired but if you feel that you may be able to help, please contact us, we would love to hear from you.